Lecture Natalia Gavrilita, vml. Prime Minister of Moldova, great success

The visit of Natalia Gavrilita, former Prime Minister of Moldova, to Gouda, organized by Mandeville Academy, was a great success. First she gave a lecture for the students of Mandeville, followed by a seminar organized by the Mandeville students in the old town hall. The next day a visit to the House of Representatives was planned, where she was received by the parliamentary standing committee for foreign affairs. This was followed by a private dinner for several guests, alumni and current students.

College Natalia Gavrilita at Mandeville Academy

Natalia Gavrilita ontvangen door leden van de vaste Kamercommissie Buitenlandse Zaken van de Tweede Kamer.

Seminar/lezing Natalia Gavrilita in het oude stadhuis te Gouda

Edmond Fokker from Crayestein plays for Natalia Gavrilita during a private dinner

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