Weekly report Mandeville week 2 | by AnneJan van den Dool

This week there were a lot of new subjects and teachers on the program.

Margot Stakenborg (Msc Theoretical Physics) came to give the first lesson in a series of three-weekly lessons on physics. The aim is to gain an overview of the current state of affairs in physics, and therefore to understand what is or is not yet known in this branch of science.

Climate Change
Furthermore, for the first time we had the course Philosophy of Science, taught by Dr. Willem-Jan Hilderink. He tried to challenge the students to think about the nature of science, what makes a theory scientific and whether scientific knowledge is even feasible. Two former students also came by to give a presentation about the ‘agroforestry’ initiative SCAVE.

World in Conversation
In addition, there was an introduction to the World in Conversation project at Penn State University in which we participate. Finally, the two new courses highlighted below were on the program.

Krav Maga
Krav Maga is an originally Israeli self-defense sport. Mandeville’s curriculum includes a weekly Krav Maga class. These lessons are given by Rachid Itaharen, in a gym a fifteen-minute walk from Mandeville. The purpose of these lessons is to learn to defend yourself (and possibly others) in all kinds of situations. This ultimately contributes to the students’ self-confidence. The learned techniques are actually practiced; therefore, this sport requires a mouthguard, a toque, boxing gloves and shin guards.

Ronald Poetiray, an officer in the Marine Corps and employed by the Ministry of Defense, came to teach about geopolitics this week. This was done from the perspective of the Netherlands. That is to say: what security means for the Netherlands, the interests that the Netherlands has because of that security, the threats that endanger that security, and what the Netherlands can do to make itself resilient to them. Ultimately, the intention is for the students to work on these topics themselves to determine the nature, consequences and solutions of these threats.

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